Yes! We got the best paper award during the 2020 Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining! Our paper entitled Disconnecting for the good: A network-oriented model for social contagion of opinions and social network interventions to increase adherence to social distancing presents our study on how social network topologies and public health agencies […]
A new article was published on how the new coronavirus spreads in a socioeconomic inequality context in Brazil. The work was a partnership between LNCC, UFLA, UnB and researchers from the Brazilian Army. An Agent-based Model was created and census data was used to insert real information about the population and its relevant characteristics for […]
The situation in Brazil regarding the control of the pandemic of COVID-19 has been brought to another level when the Ministry of Health decided to change the methodology of the statistics shown in the main website of the government. The changes on the interface of the website and the methodology to count only deaths that […]