
Who we are

We are a group of researchers interested in studying phenomena that involve social relations, the spread of behaviours, opinions and perceptions, and applying computational and cognitive modeling to understand and solve problems in the real world.

Social Contagion Modeling Research

2019 – Present

Arthur Moreira Maia
BSc Student Computer Science (PIBIC/CNPq scholarship)

CrimAI Research

2018 – Present

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Gerritsen
Collaborator – VU Amsterdam

2018 – Present

Álvaro Martins Espíndola
BSc Student – Computer Science

Bachelor’s Final Project (TCC)


Heuller Soares Vilela Silva
Machine Learning Techniques for football results prediction

Erick Fernando da Costa
Policing planning using Business Intelligence (BI) tools: analysing the violent crime rate on the cities under responsibility of the 8º BPM

Former participants

[2018-2019] Aline Rodrigues Guimarães de Oliveira (BSc Student – Computer Science/PIBIC/CNPq scholarship)

[2018-2019] Leonardo Amorim de Sena (BSc Student – Computer Science)

[2018-2019] Luiz Otávio Andrade Soares (BSc Student – Computer Science)